Saturday, August 06, 2005


Okay, bugs (sort of) fixed

So I've now had 3 posts eaten by blogger. I'm not sure what's going on, but I type in composer, I hit publish, and then only the title posts. It's a little off-putting.

But, you see, I now know why this bug popped up when it did. You see, my first post eaten was "I don't really want to..." and it was a post where I official give up on the season and look towards next year. It wasn't a good or interesting post, but it was an important one, as it signaled the surrender of a total optimist.

But no more! The implication of these lost bits is clear. Obviously that post was wrong of me to write and the season is not lost.

The Cubs are still going to win.

Hey, I find it odd too...but who can argue with the evidence at hand?

Not me.

Go Cubs!

There's a fine line between optimistic and delusional.
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