Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice and...Maddux loses a streak.

Okay, so the saying isn't really all that relevant in this case, but it has the word twice in it and that is all I needed out of my saying today. Because, you see, I did it to Maddux twice. Twice I mentioned that he needed a win to continue his lifetime achievement streak, and twice he blew it.

Sorry Greg.

In other news...

Jamie Rieger Productions, the burgeoning corporate entity that includes both its namesake and his child labor ("I said funnier! Move you impudent whelps; the classics won't read themselves!") has returned from vacation and is kicking it up a notch. While reading the Iliad and Odyssey was all well and good, there was something missing. You see, while the epics of Homer are all very nice and ancient, they are not obscure enough. It is this missing element that is captured with the reading of Herodotus (wha? Yeah, that's what I said). So if you're looking for a snarky interpretation of a really old book you've never heard of, head on over and check it out. I doubt you'll be disappointed (although I have no way to prove this).

And, of course, there is always the daily update. Today he takes on Mothman. Very excellent with a cartoon and everything!

And finally...

Those of you who know me know I have a thing for the Giant Squid (not that there's anything wrong with that). I find it fascinating because it's sort of a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a whole lot of salty water. And it can take on a killer whale, which is something I always find impressive. But for the first time ever the Giant Squid has been captured on film and if you saw the Discovery Channel epic series "Search for the Giant Squid" you know they had tried really hard for a long time with little luck to get one on camera. Actually, if you saw the show, you know the show would have been better titled "The Failed Search for the Giant Squid, Unless you Count the Fact that we have a Bunch of Dead Squid on a Table." I think they kept the shorter name because it was a bit zippier.

Anyway, here is a great quote from the article:

Mori said the squid, which was purplish red like smaller squid, attacked its quarry aggressively, calling into question the image of the animal as lethargic and slow moving.

"Contrary to belief that the giant squid is relatively inactive, the squid we
captured on film actively used its enormous tentacles to go after prey," Mori said.

Oh, I feel better. You see, this is why I don't go into the ocean. Giant Squid. Giant Squids (Squid? Squids? Squi?) that are 25 feet long and attack aggressively. Actually, that is also why I don't like to swim in the middle of lakes, but that is probably an irrational fear. Although in my defense, you can't see the bottom of the lake and so there is no reason that there couldn't be some kind of giant squid lurking at the bottom. Or maybe a Kraken. You never know.

Who could have known the Giant Squid would be both huge and aggressive? Jules Verne, that's who. He had seen the future, and it was squid-tastic

I am so freaking excited about the squid, you have no idea.

That footage had better turn up on ifilms!
I am with you on the no swimming in the middle of the lake. Anytime I can't see the bottom of the body of water I'm immersed in, I always assume there is some kind of human-eating creature just waiting to grab my ankle and pull me in. (The Kraken DO exist - they are just waiting for global warming to kick it up a notch so they can expand and take over the world)
When I was a kid, the kid lore about swimming in the lake was that nests of water moccasins were under water and if you disturbed them every snake in the entire nest (which was, I knew, a *lot*) would all swim up and bite you.

Knowing that made falling off your water skis a tad bit more terrifying than it would otherwise be.
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